[FOTOGALERIA] Girona posa paraules al dol i homenatja les 147 víctimes de la covid-19 a la ciutat July 14, 2020; Girona, - This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Redacció | Dimecres, 15 de juliol de 2020 - Publicitat - July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona,- This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona,- This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona,- This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. July 14, 2020; Girona, – This afternoon an event was held in honor of the victims of the Covid-19 in Girona. President Quim Torra and other Catalan politicians such as the Mayor of Girona, Marta Madrenes, have participated in this act. Et pot interessar Girona comprovarà a la tardor la retirada de plaques franquistes d'edificis privats o ho farà de manera subsidiàriaPublicitat Arxivat a:Covid-19 GironaCovid_19Girona WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Follow @larepublicacat Opinió Diada 2024, què fer? a quin costat estar…? Joan Manzano - Pressupostos Illa. D’entrada no Manuel Pérez Nespreira - View all elements Subscriu-te al canal de WhatsApp FER UN COMENTARI Cancel·lar la resposta Comentar Introduïu el vostre comentari. Nom:* Introduïu el vostre nom aquí Correu electrònic:* Heu introduït una adreça de correu electrònic incorrecta! Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica aquí Pàgina web: Deseu el meu nom, el meu correu electrònic i el lloc web en aquest navegador per a la propera vegada que ho faci. Δ Minut a Minut Els espanyols detinguts a Veneçuela són dos ciutadans bascos i les famílies van denunciar la seva desaparició 0 Albanyà i Sant Llorenç de la Muga celebren el primer festival Sentim la Muga que promou l’arrelament a la vall 0 L’Ajuntament de Móra la Nova destinarà prop de 650.000 euros dels fons nuclears a promoure el teixit empresarial local 0 Els espanyols detinguts a Veneçuela són dos ciutadans bascos i les famílies van denunciar la seva desaparició 0 Girona tallarà temporalment el passeig de Ramon Berenguer II i un vial de plaça de Catalunya per afavorir els vianants 0