Edició 2111

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dilluns, 06 de maig del 2024
Edició 2111

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dilluns, 06 de maig del 2024

Frases de la setmana


- Publicitat -

El veritable patriotisme odia la injustícia en la seva prňpia terra més que qualsevol altra cosa (Clarence Seward Darrow)

Importa molt més el que tu penses de tu mateix que el que els altres opinin de tu (Sèneca)

No et creguis mai els consells d’un home amb dificultats (Aesop)


Suggerides pel Jaume Soler des de NY (un pel militaristes aquesta setmana…)

If we lose the moral legitimacy we are going to lose the war (General Petraeus, parlant de la guerra d’Irak)

Don’t put lipstick on the pig (General Petraeus, parlant de la guerra d’Irak)

Tactics -both those of the enemy and our own- constantly change, and the winning side is generally that which learns faster” (General Petraeus, parlant de la guerra d’Irak)

We need to stop thinking about what the enemy can do to us and start thinking what we can do to the enemy (General Grant)

Grant literally has his back to the river -the whole army has its back to the river. He is in the rain, because the only place with shelter was full of wounded people who were obviously crying out… The rain’s dripping off his hat, and he’s got this soggy cigar, as he always did. Sherman comes up and says, basically, ‘Well, we had a tough day today, Grant.’ And Grant says, ‘Yup. Lick ‘em tomorrow, though (Petraeus parlant del general Grant)



Minut a Minut